From Turkey (UTC+3)
10 years of commercial experience stats
projects done252
hours workedOpen
to new offersAdil – Node.js, Angular JS, .NET
Meet Adil, a senior back-end developer with 10 years of commercial experience, including Node.js development, RDBMS (PostgreSQL, MySql), and Angular. Adil switched his career from experimental physics to software development. Adil is an equally strong candidate in technical terms and soft skills. He will be a great addition to your team and is ready for new ideas and challenges.
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Potentially possibleExperience Highlights
Full-Stack Developer
It aims to continuously synchronize data from all the chambers of commerce in Turkey and build a platform where registered businesses' legal activities can be archived, e.g., when a company is established, a new CEO is assigned, a branch is closed, etc. The project is aimed at the public sector, i.e., the tax dept. etc.
- Worked on this project from planning till the very end of DevOps.
- Built a database for the companies' data, oriented towards easier retrieval upon request.
- Developed a user management system where the roles were assigned and tracked by location as well.
- Added two-factor authentication and banking integrations.
Back-End Developer
This is a municipality-citizen communication platform developed upon the request of the Mersin municipality. It features all the online services that citizens of Mersin are provided. Some of them are public transport timings, filing and following requests and complaints with the municipality, information regarding activities, local news, tenders, etc.
- Developed a module for seamless communication between the legacy systems, which mostly used SOAP, with newer projects like this one
- Integrated MESKİ (water/utility billing service of the municipality) and payment system with the bank
- Integrated a digital library with the app, where the client could access the e-books & their catalog
- Integrated services for issue tracking between citizens and the municipality
- Integrated services for publishing and managing news, tenders, and activities
- Provided micro-services for integration with all these services
Full Stack Developer
This is the national database system where all service providers record their up-to-date commercial messaging consents. Citizens can either approve or refuse their consent if they wish. The national database system's limitations and hustles led to the birth of this project. It also allows its users to integrate their address books with the national database seamlessly and without the limitations put by the national system
- Created the database design
- Built a clustered back-end that can manage huge traffic loads, both in terms of requests/minute and the request payload size.
- Developed the UI for the project from scratch
- Was in charge of integration with the national database and with the service providers
- Was responsible for maintaining and developing new features as the national database evolved or there were new demands
Front-end developer
This is the heart of multiple telecom companies' SMS operations. The link provided is just one of them. It is integrated with all the service providers in Turkey (or another country in a couple of cases) and provides a lot of SMS & MMS-based services to its clients. Its features:
- Handles a very high traffic load, order of millions per day
- Has a huge amount of data processing, as many companies use it and have address books with millions of entries, with support for any amount of dynamic fields as per the need of the user.
- Has deeply optimized process queues and detailed reports of everything going on in the system.
- Can handle very large data sets at once, virtually limited only by the network or the client.
- Was responsible for Front-end development from the start to the end
- UI/UX architecture
- Added features like parsing and importing data from Excel/CSV files as needed
- Managed the consensus of telecommunication authorities' regulations and the operations of the project.
Full Stack Developer, iOS Developer
Online consultancy platform where both clients and experts can sign up, get, and provide services over an audio or video call. Clients are billed through the credit card(s) they register, depending on the tariff defined by the expert they are taking services from, e.g., 1$ every minute.
It enables the users to communicate by leveraging the features of Socket.IO and WebRTC. A TURN server handles the communication traffic.
The project was temporarily suspended due to legalities; there is no finish date yet.
- Built a substantial part of the back-end
- Re-built the front end as a new design was decided upon
- Built the iOS app from scratch
- Built the payment management system for the project, integrated with the bank
- Maintained the front-end, back-end, and the iOS app