From Poland (UTC+2)
10 years of commercial experience
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projects done989
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to new offersŁukasz – PHP, JavaScript, Symfony
Meet Lukasz, a Senior Back-End Developer. Lukasz has a good understanding of modern tools and technologies — PHP, SQL databases, key-value storage, queue managers, cloud servers (AWS), and CD/CI processes. He would be a good fit for a senior/lead back-end dev position with a modern PHP+SQL stack. His 7+ years of experience include working on the most significant German streaming platform, a time-tracking application, and one of the largest platforms for playing chess.
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Potentially possibleExperience Highlights
Senior Back-end Developer
A purpose-led software engineering firm that provides services to clients from various industries such as healthcare and public services.
- Adjusted codebase of few projects to make them compatible with a newer version of the Symfony framework (from version 4 to 6);
- Implemented new features such as OTP during login to the page;
- Addressed various fixes as part of regular service maintenance.
Tech Lead / Full-stack Developer
Platform designed to integrate with the labor union ecosystem, providing targeted offer advertisements to its members. The system caters to the unique structure of labor union organizations, including federations that oversee multiple unions and the unions themselves. By specifically tailoring ads for this audience, the application serves a dual role — enabling partner organizations to spotlight their offers while providing value to union members who view them.
- Created a system to track ad clicks and views with encrypted metrics for monitoring;
- Integrated with Polish payment gateway IMoje for supporting the automated promotion of offers;
- Developed tools for both internal and external employees to enable easy management of users, invoices, ads, and pages, including automated invoicing with PDF generation;
- Designed and implemented deployment flow using CI/CD with automated code style fixing and execution of tests;
- Implemented end-to-end tests covering core system features;
- Configured on-premise infrastructure, including load balancing and DDoS protection configuration.
Team Lead / Senior Back-end Developer
One of the largest platforms oriented on learning and playing a chess game. More than 10 million games are played by more than 80 million users worldwide daily. The platform is available for most common devices using web browsers for Android, iOS, and PC computers.
- Integrated multiple in-house (mainly in Symfony monolith application) and third-party services to provide tools for the Customer Support team;
- Integrated external services' APIs to verify user identities (KYC process) and phone numbers for user verification;
- Developed various microservices primarily in Node.js, focused on tasks like exporting and processing large datasets from APIs;
- Maintained microservices written in Java;
- Created a search tool supported by ElasticSearch and Apache Kafka for Customer Support, offering advanced filtering with full-text search and regex pattern matching;
- Created tools for Fair Play service that allows processing of large data sets based on the played games that allows to detect cheaters;
- Implemented various alerts to notify on Slack from Grafana or other sources about abusive actions by users;
- Wrote code for new features and bug fixes;
- Mentored team members;
- Prepared technical specifications for new features;
- Reviewed team members' code;
- Communicated with third-party partners.
Senior Back-end Developer
One of the largest German streaming platforms. Both VOD and live content is available on the website. In 2021 users could watch a live stream of the Tokyo Olympic Games.
- Tracked and fixed performance issues caused by the database to improve the tool's usability;
- Created onboarding process for quick team scaling;
- Implemented alert system to notify about potential issues and risks in advance;
- Maintained Node.js service handling video files metadata and transferring them via Kafka to other services;
- Reviewed team members' code;
- Mentored new team members;
- Supported in resolving content delivery issues between services;
- Developed code with new features.
PHP Developer
A web-based test case management tool. Users can define, track and manage different test scenarios. They can generate complex reports to analyze the efficiency of tests and overall coverage. In the scope of the project delivery of a new version with a fixed amount of features was planned.
- Prepared system to create templates and schedule custom reports using API to enable users to fetch the exact data they needed;
- Wrote code for new features;
- Reviewed code of other team members;
- Estimated planned work time effort;
- Wrote functional tests.
PHP Developer/DevOps
A time-tracking application that enables users to monitor how much time was spent on tasks and projects and compare it with initial estimates. Users can import projects or tasks from various external sources or create them directly in the app. Time tracked on projects can be used to prepare invoices or to analyze the revenue of the project.
- Integrated automatic end-to-end tests during deployment on new versions to ensure a better quality of releases;
- Integrated various external services, including Trello, Zendesk, GitHub, and Quickdesks APIs, to allow users to fetch data from other apps;
- Integrated SMS alerting system with monitoring of infrastructure to reduce the time of reaction to fix infrastructure issues;
- Reviewed code of other team members;
- Tracked risks and issues proactively in app infrastructure;
- Wrote new features;
- Communicated and tracked the progress of external agencies working on fixing bugs.