From Poland (GMT+2)
11 years of commercial experience
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Michal – C++, Golang, Docker
Michal is a dedicated software engineer with over 9 years of experience in the IT industry. Proficient in Go, C, C++, Bash, and other technologies, he ensures the selection of the optimal tool for each coding solution. Michal has experience in logistics and healthcare and holds a Master's degree in Telecommunications.
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Potentially possibleExperience Highlights
Software engineer, Architect
Platform that leverages Bluetooth Low Energy and UWB radio signals to compute positions of assets in an indoor environment.
- designed and developed the computation engine responsible for raw data processing and mathematics that compute positions
- designed the architecture of the computation engine that allows it to scale and has the computations load balanced across multiple instances of the process
- regularly maintained and developed/improved the platform
Tech Lead
Android app for managing social distancing system
- application allows to manage firmware configuration of the devices of the social d distancing system over Bluetooth Low Energy.
- application allows the user to download social distancing alerts from devices and push them to cloud platform for analytics
- application uses Firebase integration for tracking issues and bugs
Tech lead
Android application for demoing capabilities of an indoor location technology leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy and Ultra Wide Band technologies.
- designed the whole app;
- was the author of the algorithmic libraries used for localization and communication over Bluetooth Low Energy.
- core library for localization has been written in C++ and integrated into the app using Android NDK
- application allows to communicate with devices of the system over Bluetooth Low Energy in order to configure them
- app integrates an interactive map view written in Pixi.js that was also developed by him
Software Engineer
The project is a mobile SDK that utilizes Bluetooth radio signals to compute localization of the mobile phone in an indoor environment.
- implemented algorithms to compute location of a mobile device in an indoor environment
- implemented Pedestrian Dead Reckoning algorithm that improves quality of computed positions and allow to continue positioning for some time in case of loosing Bluetooth signals of nearby beacons.
- developed a wrapper for Google Maps dedicated to ease the use of the indoor location library
- developed several applications for clients that integrated the indoor location library and 3D maps to visualize computed positions on.