From Canada
22 years of commercial experience
Lemon.io stats
projects done101
hours workedOpen
to new offersTushar – Golang, AWS, API
Meet Tushar, a talented developer whose expertise transcends coding. With a professional approach and extensive management skills, he is committed to projects from technical and business perspectives. His expertise includes scalable software product development, management, analysis, research, and the creation of mobile and handheld B2C and B2B products. Moreover, Tushar is also your guy when it comes to cutting-edge technologies like automation, distributed systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain.
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Potentially possibleExperience Highlights
Architect, Tech lead
Low-cost scalable platform to help Pharmacies track and manage deliveries with the secure collection of data. Built on a serverless platform to allow rapid scaling up and down throughout the day.
- designed and implemented serverless architecture on AWS Lambda+API Gateway
- transformed data requirements into DynamoDB "schemas"
- tuned Lambda for performance as data requirements increased
- led team on the implementation of mobile app development and deployment
- led team on dispatch platform development and deployment
- led team on customer/client platform development and deployment
- obtained app store approvals for location tracking
- integrated with multiple order sources
Architect and Tech lead
AI-driven exam prep for students in high school and higher education.
Primarily a mobile app that helped students progressively study for exams and understand the material as they transitioned into higher education.
AI/ML-driven study tool utilized behavioral and results data from all students to determine what competencies needed to be improved upon ahead of mid-terms and finals.
- architected application and platform
- developed content and segmentation methodology based on previous work at the University of Waterloo
- obtained patent on AI/ML usage and methodology
Lead Architect
A connected and smart community through IoT devices throughout large apartment and condo complexes. Tenants and residents could access their living spaces as well as shared spaces such as pools, parking, and mailboxes through personal access codes as well as their phones.
Property managers could oversee thousands of units through a powerful interface that simplified key control and access to buildings, units, and common areas. Scheduling allowed for quick turnover and access to maintenance and cleaners as well.
The product consists of a fully embedded IoT control platform, mobile apps (iOS and Android), and web portals for property managers. These all interface with APIs in AWS.
- rolled out to thousands of units and new partners
- designed and directed the development of the full platform
- was in charge of integrating new monetization features progressively to accommodate partners and management requirements
Lead Architect and Team Lead
Canada's largest student bursary and scholarship matching platform with over 2 million users.
- architected auto-scalable systems to handle spikes in volume
- architected and led the implementation of CASL/CANSPAM compliant high volume email engagement system
- implemented an auto-scaling system to handle spikes in volume as over 400,000k users visited the site daily
- coordinated client branding needs across the multi-product platform
Tech lead/Architect
The product helped students from China and India take University and College courses from North American institutions from their home countries. They built credit hours that allowed them to build competencies before completing their studies in Canada/USA.
- designed and lead the implementation of a large multi-lingual learning platform
- distributed architecture across North America and Asia
- AI-driven analytics system to help professors teach on a scale
- launched to over 1,000,000 members in the first week of operation in China
- designed and lead the implementation of a distributed and scalable event-driven real-time analytics platform